Wednesday 9 March 2016

The Swap review #2

So I just read up to chapter 24. QUICK SUMMARY: Ellie is in a lot of classes with this rude girl who keeps saying nasty stuff about her constantly, and so when Ellie realises that she has gym with her for last period, she decides she's gooing to skip. Then principal finds her, she lies about having her period and the principal has something to help the "period" and brings Ellie to the office with her.Meanwhile, Jack and his friends are in class when this one mean guy starts pushing around Jack's friends, so when they're in the hall going to their next class, the mean kid pushes Jack and Jack flips out. I'm talking a full on beating here. Teacher pulls him off and he's sent to the nurse's office because his nose was broken. Nurse patches up Jack and he's told to lie down and then leaves. Principal tells Ellie to stay in the nurse's office for now and she goes to get something. Jack and Ellie talk for a while, and then they both say how easy it would be if their lives were switched. Then nurse is suddenly a magic person because plot and switches them.

Okay maybe that wasn't so quick, but I wanted to summarize just so anything I say about the plot you're not completely confused, First of all, Ellie needs to stop hanging around Sassy (that's literally the bully's name). She is obviously making some sort of posts about you on social media, and I doubt theyère about how great you are. Yes, your former best friend really likes Sassy, but she's now just as mean as Sassy, not worth your time. Jack, first, STOP SAYING GIRL AS IF IT'S AN INSULT. It's not, and honestly it just makes me like you less. You're in eighth grade. Act like it. Yes, that kid is annoying and rude. He insulted your friend (trust me, I relate to making sure no one insults my friends,) and I know all about adrenaline during fights. But there was no excuse to lie down when the nurse told you to. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't make you less than anybody else. It means you know your limits and you needed rest. Your nose was literally broken.

So that's my advice for the characters. More to come soon. The book is really getting good, all ranting aside, I can barely put it down!

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