Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Swap post #4

Today, I'm going to be making letters that I think Jack and Ellie would make for each other if they had the chance.

You know, it may have been helpful if you had told me one of your brother's name is Gunner, because when your friend said "Hey! Look it's Gunner," I thought he meant someone had as gun and took cover, making me (or technically you) look like a weirdo. Also, (please don't be mad) I had no idea what Gunner meant by "getting your flow chopped" so I might have accidentally got your head shaved... Sorry about that. Also what kind of family gets up at five in the morning!? I was woken up at 5 am, your brothers were frantically trying to make your bed, and then we went and did brutal excersize for two hours. Not fun. I'll keep you posted. Or I'll try considering your brothers are currently trying to wrestle me.


So, about that whole "whatever you do, don't go to soccer" thing? Well, your mom wouldn't let me (or you) not go. But I think I did well for soccer tryouts, given the fact I haven't played since I was nine! However, you needed a physical which of course had to include a lesson about things that are going to happen to you, and something I really didn't want to know. On a good note however, I cleaned your room! All your clothes are folded and put away (even the underwear. You're welcome.) Right now I'm just hoping Monday comes soon.


So as you can see, the book is really funny and great and I recommend to everyone reading this post. Also the part about cleaning the room was quoted from the book, I wouldn't just make an underwear joke for no reason, especially on a school assignment. The "even the underwear" quote was taken from page 166. See you tomorrow!

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