Monday 21 March 2016

The Swap post #6

Today, I will be doing the "What valuable lesson have you learned from this book?" question. I think the lesson is be happy with how you are, because even if it seems like those around you have it better than you, they have their own problems that you don't know about. You probably seem perfect to others as well. An example of this is when Ellie thought she looked terrible and no one thought she was pretty or a good person overall, Jack actually thought she was the nicest, prettiest girl in the school. Don't ever underestimate yourself.

This one was kind of less funny and more serious, but I thought it was very important.

The Swap post #5

Today's post is going to probably sound like an advertisement, so prepare yourself...

The Swap (as you already know) is about a boy and a girl think it would be easier to live each other's lives, and are shown just how mistaken they are. The chapters alternate perspectives of Ellie and Jack, and start by explaining what's happening in their lives during the last days of summer and first day of school. Then when their lives are swapped and their minds are in each other's body, they freak out not knowing what to do. Ellie has to deal with Jack's brothers spontaneously attacking her (him technically?), getting up at five in the morning to do military-like exercises, and deal with sexist jokes. A lot of them. Meanwhile, Jack has to deal with a bully named Sassy who has been bullying Ellie since who knows when, soccer tryouts, period talk, and clothes shopping (which was actually going fine until he had no idea why the employee was asking him what size cup he wanted...) Sorry I found that part of the book hilarious. Each chapter develops both characters more and more, the plot is amazing, I love the story idea, and I give the comedy an A+. See you next time!

Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Swap post #4

Today, I'm going to be making letters that I think Jack and Ellie would make for each other if they had the chance.

You know, it may have been helpful if you had told me one of your brother's name is Gunner, because when your friend said "Hey! Look it's Gunner," I thought he meant someone had as gun and took cover, making me (or technically you) look like a weirdo. Also, (please don't be mad) I had no idea what Gunner meant by "getting your flow chopped" so I might have accidentally got your head shaved... Sorry about that. Also what kind of family gets up at five in the morning!? I was woken up at 5 am, your brothers were frantically trying to make your bed, and then we went and did brutal excersize for two hours. Not fun. I'll keep you posted. Or I'll try considering your brothers are currently trying to wrestle me.


So, about that whole "whatever you do, don't go to soccer" thing? Well, your mom wouldn't let me (or you) not go. But I think I did well for soccer tryouts, given the fact I haven't played since I was nine! However, you needed a physical which of course had to include a lesson about things that are going to happen to you, and something I really didn't want to know. On a good note however, I cleaned your room! All your clothes are folded and put away (even the underwear. You're welcome.) Right now I'm just hoping Monday comes soon.


So as you can see, the book is really funny and great and I recommend to everyone reading this post. Also the part about cleaning the room was quoted from the book, I wouldn't just make an underwear joke for no reason, especially on a school assignment. The "even the underwear" quote was taken from page 166. See you tomorrow!

Friday 11 March 2016

The Swap post #3

So a lot happened in the past three chapters... Let's start with Ellie (as Jack). She managed to:
  • Get Jack's hair shaved off (which he said perviously to his brothers he DID NOT want to do.
  • Tries to go to Jack's room but doesn't know which one it is so walks into a random room and realised it was Jack's brother's room.
  • Not know what the "Captain" meant (they call their dad that) and in turn was asked if they were okay considering according to them their brother just forgot who their dad was.
  • Looked at a picture of Jack's mom, and all she hears behind her is "Yeah, I miss her too." She only realised then that Jack's mother died.
I will not be surprised if this list continues to grow.

Meanwhile, Jack managed to:
  • Go to soccer tryouts for Ellie, even though he hasn't played since he was nine.
  • Not punch Sassy in the face when she was making fun of Ellie (who is now Jack but shhh...), even though he diliberately said to the reader he wanted to. (I wouldn't feel bad for her)***
  • Go to the doctor's for a checkup, and then the doctor begins to explain what a period is, and then asking if Ellie (technically Jack) was okay. He should be okay except for the tiny fact of Jack was thinking to himself "please don't do this to me, please!"
So a lot happened, and again I'm going to say THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD!


Wednesday 9 March 2016

The Swap review #2

So I just read up to chapter 24. QUICK SUMMARY: Ellie is in a lot of classes with this rude girl who keeps saying nasty stuff about her constantly, and so when Ellie realises that she has gym with her for last period, she decides she's gooing to skip. Then principal finds her, she lies about having her period and the principal has something to help the "period" and brings Ellie to the office with her.Meanwhile, Jack and his friends are in class when this one mean guy starts pushing around Jack's friends, so when they're in the hall going to their next class, the mean kid pushes Jack and Jack flips out. I'm talking a full on beating here. Teacher pulls him off and he's sent to the nurse's office because his nose was broken. Nurse patches up Jack and he's told to lie down and then leaves. Principal tells Ellie to stay in the nurse's office for now and she goes to get something. Jack and Ellie talk for a while, and then they both say how easy it would be if their lives were switched. Then nurse is suddenly a magic person because plot and switches them.

Okay maybe that wasn't so quick, but I wanted to summarize just so anything I say about the plot you're not completely confused, First of all, Ellie needs to stop hanging around Sassy (that's literally the bully's name). She is obviously making some sort of posts about you on social media, and I doubt theyère about how great you are. Yes, your former best friend really likes Sassy, but she's now just as mean as Sassy, not worth your time. Jack, first, STOP SAYING GIRL AS IF IT'S AN INSULT. It's not, and honestly it just makes me like you less. You're in eighth grade. Act like it. Yes, that kid is annoying and rude. He insulted your friend (trust me, I relate to making sure no one insults my friends,) and I know all about adrenaline during fights. But there was no excuse to lie down when the nurse told you to. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't make you less than anybody else. It means you know your limits and you needed rest. Your nose was literally broken.

So that's my advice for the characters. More to come soon. The book is really getting good, all ranting aside, I can barely put it down!

Friday 4 March 2016

The Swap: review 1

So the book I'm reading, according to the back is about a girl and a boy who wish they had a different life, and poof they're switched. However, I'm on chapter 6, and that still hasn't happenned. Might I just say though: OH MY GOD THE STEREOTYPES. Not as much for the girl herself, it's the standard drama at achool, but for the boy however... He got hit in the face with a hockey puck, and when he doubled over his family joked about him acting like a girl... ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Oh, you feel pain, THAT'S NOT MANLY. Plus this guy is a bisic walking stereotype (muscles, literally says he does push ups and sit ups every morning, etc.) Sorry, ranting was necissary. I also can harldy put it down, but I hope the stereotypes will stop once they switch.